Key Expressions
1. Can I speak to you for a moment?
= Can I talk to you for a second?
= Can I have a word with you?

* moment : 순간, 찰나, 잠깐 동안, 현재, 지금, 시기

2. Mr. Kim is in charge of those.
= Mr. Kim is responsible for those.
= Mr. Kim is handling those.

* be in charge of : ~을 맡다, 담당하다.
(= be responsible for)

3. He is away on a business trip now.
= He is gone on a business trip now.
= He is out of town now.

* away : 저리로, 떨어져서, 부재 중
* be on a business trip : 출장가다.

4. Would that be on time?
* on time : 정시에, 제 때에
* punctual : 시간을 잘 엄수하는
eg) He is very puctual. 그는 시간을 잘 지킨다.
* prompt : 재빠른, 신속한

5. It shouldn't be a problem.
= It won't be a problem.
= It'll not be a problem.

* It'll be right on time. 제 시간에 될 겁니다. 문제 없습니다.
A : Can I speak to you for a moment?
= Can I speak to you for a minute/second?

B : Sure.
* What's this all about? 무슨 일 때문에 그러시죠?

A : I'd like a monthly report by tomorrow.
* monthly : 한 달의, 달에 한 번의, 매달의

B : Well, actually Mr. Kim is in charge of those.
* be in charge of : ~을 맡다, 담당하다.
(= be responsible for)

A : I know but he is away on a business trip now.
* be on a business trip : 출장가다.

B : I see.

A : Would that be on time?

B : Sure, it shouln't be a problem.
Today's Words
(adj) Colloquial words and phrases are informal and are used mainly in conversation. Conversational
일상회화의, 구어체의

(adj) able to get along well
양립 가능한, 모순없는, 적합한

(v) to describe or picure in words with great detail.
윤곽을 그리다, ~을 그리다, 묘사하다, ~을 서술하다
"delineate a borderline" 국경선을 정하다.
